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Welcome to SEAL NATS

  • SEAL NATS Version:
  • Used original NATS version: 2.10

This documentation describes the installation and customization of SEAL NATS.

Several SEAL Systems products especially in the PLOSSYS 5 environment use NATS. Therefore SEAL Systems provides a preconfigured version, named SEAL NATS.


Prior to using NATS, PLOSSYS 5 stored print job changes within capped collections in MongoDB. This could strain the database. Message loss could happen if subscriber applications failed briefly and thus couldn't fetch status messages in time.

NATS is a fail-safe message broker for distributed systems like PLOSSYS 5 and prevents message loss. Even if the NATS server is failing briefly, messages won't get lost but will be stored in the "Outbox" collection of MongoDB. As soon as NATS is working again, it will retrieve and handle these messages chronologically.

Additionally, NATS is fast, small and easy to use in cluster architectures.

Architecture Overview


For details on NATS in general, refer to the original documentation of the software producer:

NATS documentation

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